
A list of guides for using Now with any project.

Sorted by Newest

Create and Deploy a SendGrid-Powered Next.js and Node.js Contact Form with ZEIT Now

Create a SendGrid-Powered Next.js and Node.js Contact Form and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

October 10th 2019

Deploy Docusaurus Sites with ZEIT Now

Create a Docusaurus website and deploy it live with ZEIT Now.

October 9th 2019

Create and Deploy a Next.js and FaunaDB-Powered Node.js App with ZEIT Now

Create a Next.js and FaunaDB-Powered Node.js App and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

September 19th 2019

Deploying React Forms Using Formspree with ZEIT Now

Create and deploy a React form with the help of Formspree and ZEIT Now.

September 12th 2019

Deploying Real-Time Apps with Pusher Channels and ZEIT Now

How to get started building and deploying real-time apps with Channels on ZEIT Now.

August 28th 2019

Deploy Gridsome Sites with ZEIT Now

Create your Gridsome site and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

August 26th 2019

Gather Emails on Your Next.js Site with StaticKit and ZEIT Now

Use StaticKit and Next.js to collect emails from a landing page deployed with ZEIT Now.

August 22nd 2019

Create a Svelte Component Library Using Storybook and Deploy It with ZEIT Now

Create a Svelte Component Library using Storybook and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

August 21st 2019

Create and Deploy a Preact App with ZEIT Now

Create your Preact app and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

August 16th 2019

Deploying a Static Nuxt.js App with ZEIT Now

Create and deploy your static Nuxt.js app with ZEIT Now.

August 6th 2019

Upgrade Your Existing ZEIT Now Projects With Zero Configuration

Upgrade your existing ZEIT Now projects to use no configuration.

July 31st 2019

Migrate to ZEIT Now

Migrate your websites and APIs to the ZEIT Now Platform with zero configuration.

July 31st 2019

Zero-Downtime Domain Migration with ZEIT Now

Migrate your domain from an external service to ZEIT Now with no downtime, in just a few steps.

July 11th 2019

Create and Deploy a Next.js and Prismic App with ZEIT Now

Create a Next.js and Prismic app that is deployed with ZEIT Now.

June 26th 2019

Create a Next.js and Storyblok App That Builds and Deploys with ZEIT Now

Use Storyblok as a Headless CMS to power content for your Next.js app deployed with ZEIT Now.

June 24th 2019

Create a Next.js and Buttercms App That Builds and Deploys with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Next.js and ButterCMS app with ZEIT Now in a serverless environment.

June 21st 2019

Create a Next.js App with Contentful and Deploy It with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Next.js and Contentful app with ZEIT Now in a serverless environment.

June 18th 2019

Deploying Sanity Studio with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Sanity Studio with ZEIT Now.

May 30th 2019

Create and Deploy a MongoDB-Powered Node.js API with ZEIT Now

Create a serverless Node.js API with data powered by MongoDB then deploy it as a serverless app with ZEIT Now.

May 24th 2019

Handling Node.js Request Bodies with ZEIT Now

Parse Node.js request bodies for use inside Serverless Functions deployed with ZEIT Now.

May 10th 2019

Create a Next.js App with a MySQL Database That Builds and Deploys with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Next.js and MySQL app with ZEIT Now in a serverless environment.

April 26th 2019

Create a Charge App That Builds and Deploys with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Charge app with ZEIT Now in 3 easy steps.

April 9th 2019

Automatic Deployments with Now for GitLab

Setup ZEIT Now for GitLab and get automatic deployments and staging URLs for each push.

April 1st 2019

How to Update Now CLI

Update Now CLI using a package manager.

March 20th 2019

Create an Angular App That Builds and Deploys with ZEIT Now

Deploy your Angular app with ZEIT Now.

February 27th 2019

Create a Hugo Website and Deploy It with ZEIT Now

Create a Hugo website and deploy it live with ZEIT Now.

February 20th 2019

Setup a Namecheap Domain with ZEIT Now

Use your Namecheap registered domain for your ZEIT Now deployments.

February 15th 2019

Getting Started with Next.js and ZEIT Now

Create a Next.js app and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

February 10th 2019

Deploy a React App with ZEIT Now and Create React App

Create your Create React App project and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

February 6th 2019

Create a Gatsby Website and Deploy It with ZEIT Now

Create a simple Gatsby website and deploy it live with ZEIT Now.

January 31st 2019

Creating and Deploying a VuePress App with ZEIT Now

Create your VuePress app and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

January 26th 2019

Deploying a Vue.js App with ZEIT Now

Create your Vue.js app and deploy it with ZEIT Now.

January 26th 2019

Prevent Uploading Source Paths with `.nowignore` on ZEIT Now

Use a .nowignore file to prevent the uploading of source paths when deploying with ZEIT Now.

January 24th 2019
unicodeveloper, msweeneydev

Deploying Apollo Server to ZEIT Now

Deploy Your Apollo GraphQL Server to ZEIT Now.

January 24th 2019
unicodeveloper, msweeneydev

Setup a GoDaddy Domain with ZEIT Now

Use your GoDaddy registered domain for your ZEIT Now deployments.

January 23rd 2019

Deploying with Custom Serverless Next.js Routing

Migrate from a Next.js app with a custom server to a serverless Next.js app using Now routes.

January 23rd 2019

Redirect from www. To Your Root Domain with ZEIT Now

Redirect your visitors to your root domain from the www subdomain when deploying with ZEIT Now.

January 23rd 2019

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Write about using Now in combination with a technology of your choosing and get featured!
